Backmann 36-553 Decoder set up for Bachmann 2 car 108 DMU

Started by Norman999, November 01, 2012, 08:45:02 AM

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Hi, can anyone give me some advise please.

I have fitted two Bachmann 36-553 (3 function) decoders to my Bachmann 108 2 car DMU. one in each car with the same address to both decoders.

The train goes forward and reverse as it should, I can switch the headlights and header board on and off, the lights change colour according to the direction as they should.

However, the inside roof lights are quite dim. can any changes be made by my Dynamis controller to increase the lighting or may it be something else? like the wrong decoder?
This is my first attempt at fitting these and first time on this forum.
Thank you


Thank you very much for your reply, I appreciate that.

I will have a look at the CV63.. that could be the issue here. i had no tables to work from so that's great.

Best regards and thanks,
