If you have two 4-4-0s don't let this happen

Started by edpb, July 10, 2018, 09:05:58 PM

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Back on June 6 in a new 4-4-0 thread that I started, bbmiroku had comments about the cowcatchers on the old 4-4-0s, and the possibility of going up and over an obstruction.  This link:


tells the tragic story of two 4-4-0s that went partly up and over in a different way.

BTW, in a picture book about the Green Bay and Western and also the Ahnapee and Western, I have seen a lot of pictures of 4-4-0s in the late 1800s or early 1900s that have knuckle style couplers cut into the pilot on the front end of the loco.  They look just like the new Bachmann 4-4-0s that I was so unhappy about a few months ago when I first received mine.  Well, slowly, I'm learning about the evolution of the 4-4-0.


It was about the late 1880s or so that the knuckle coupler as we know it started to become commonplace and then mandated by safety regulation.  Also when real photography became just as commonplace.