bachmann 0-6-0 with slope tender

Started by hindmarch, December 14, 2007, 06:45:18 AM

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Hi , i have a bachmann 0.6.0  and i want to access the motor to wire in a decoder from the tender,i have removed thr screw from the rear of the loco and the chassis comes down but the front of the loco will not come down, i cant find any other screws that hold the front of the loco shell in place,how is the shell fixed.regards Bryan


If I recall correctly, the hidden screw you seek is down the stack.



Is this the HO or the N scale version?


Hi Kevin,thi is a HO loco, there was a smoke unit in the stack,ive just destroyed it,not to worry i did not use it anyway,but there is no screw in the stack only what looks like a piece of white plastic, even on the spare parts list dosnt give any indication of how to remove the loco shell Greetings to all and a merry christmas+new year Bryan


I think that the back part of the frame will come down, then the shell slides foreward and it *should* come off. It's been a couple years since I had one of these, so there may be more than that.

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