Reversing Trolley Car Set - Trouble with set-up

Started by Braybops, November 30, 2008, 04:02:26 PM

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I just took out my sons reversing trolley set and we can't seem to get the trolley to reverse at the far end?  Everything works fine when it reaches the car barn, but when it gets to the bumper it just keeps going.  We have misplaced the instructions and I remember there was a specific way to set this up, but after 2 hrs w cannot figure it out.  Please help!

the Bach-man

Dear Bray,
Look under the track. There is one section that must be correctly oriented at the end of the run; it will be printed on the bottom.
Have fun!
the Bach-man


I thought I remembered that, but can't seem to find anything.  What would it say on the bottom?