Adding a 26" radius oval to an existing 22" layout

Started by hawaiiho, January 16, 2009, 04:31:26 PM

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I am just now setting up a 22" DCC layout with EZ Track.  I have been told that the older DC and the DCC do not work very well together and that it is best to have two seperate runs of track.

So, I would like to add a 26" oval around the outside of my 22" inch layout. My thoughts  are to start with a  26" inch oval with a passing siding on one end of the oval(still using the 26" radius curve) and one or two parking sidings along the straight portions of oval. As I am new to EZ Track could some one help. I assumer the curved passing siding would use standard left or right turnouts. But what would be the best turnout to use for the parking siding? ???


An aside:
Track is track and it does not matter if you use DC or DCC to power your layout.  BUT NEVER connect DC and DCC power to the same track!


I guess that I didn't make my self really clear. My Apologies.

The purpose of the 26" oval is so that I can run my old DC equipment at the same time that I run my new DCC

equipment, without have to worry about damaging the old DC locomotives. I have about two dozen vintage DC locomotives and would

like to be able to operate them.

The outside 26" oval will be powered by a DC controller only. The inside layout will be all  DCC equipment.

Hence, no worries about getting things crossed up and inadvertantly mixing DC and DCC.

The problem that I have is that I am very new to the E-Z Track and don't know which  turnouts to use with the 26" oval.

Joe Satnik

Dear hawaiiho,

Theoretically, you would use the #5 turnout (RCR = Radius of the Closure Rail = 26") as a good match to your 26"R curves.. 

(Reference John Armstrong's "Track Planning for Realistic Operation, 3rd Edition" pg. 77-79.)

However, you would need enough room to use them, and to keep it simple for now, should only use them to replace existing straights.

My notes show that the #5 turnout is 11-1/2" long. 

If you add a 4-1/2" and a 2" straight to the #5, that combo (18" long) would replace two 9" straghts.

Note that the 2" straights are only available with the newer 90 degree crossing.  (Four 2" straights/pkg.)

To bring a #5 divergent route (11.4 degrees) back to parallel with the main line,

Use the 44532 half 22"R curve (11.25 degrees)

or the 44509 12 degree 33.25"R curve.  (More room needed.)

I'm not saying that it couldn't be done, but substituting a #5 turnout on a curve would take alot more room, lots of juggling,

and a lot more thinking than I'm used to.

Hope this helps (for now).

Free the 2" Straights !  (FT2"S !)


Joe Satnik     
If your loco is too heavy to lift, you'd better be able to ride in, on or behind it.



Thanks. I think that I will forgo the attempt at adding a parking siding on only one of the straight portions of the 26" oval.
I have a quick solution, I think. That would be to add a parking siding on both of the straight segments. The only  problem that I have come up with, SO FAR.   I am not sure if I have enough space to accomodate two sidings. I have only  60" of width and cannot work to the inside of the oval. Do you have any idea how much space would be required from the outside edges( That is from outside edge to outside edge all the way across the layout)  if I used a #5 Turnout and the half section of 22" curved for the turn back to parallel, for each siding?

Also, what problems do I have if I just put passing sidings on the ends of the oval?  Hopefully the standard turnout and 26" curve sections will work, without getting into two many complications.
