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Messages - Mark Oles

Large / Re: New 4-6-0
March 09, 2021, 08:06:34 AM
@Chris9017,  I was also interested in the PRR version, but it looks they decided to make a standard line Big Hauler in the PRR scheme for the starter set called "The Cowcatcher" item 90040 in the 2021 catalog.  From the photo, it looks like at least the updated lead truck isn't included. 

Question for The Bachmann: Has the lead truck update made it down to the starter set locomotives? Are the electronics (PNP socket) included in that as well?

I read through the manual and that PNP socket in the tender for the Anniversary version looks great.  I love the optical chuff sensor with the two/four chuff option.  Well written manual.
Large / Re: 1/29 Dash 9 locomotive
February 17, 2021, 11:02:49 AM
Great videos!! Does he still operate that railroad?

Greg, that is a great lashup!! 

I think the big engines are the ones that captured a lot of the attention in the early 2000s and brought in a lot of modelers. Will this release start the second wave of large scale? I am not sure but I am hopeful. 

There have been polls and polls on facebook groups that show the desire for this locomotive is blowing all other locomotives away at the moment.  Prices reflect this, too, as you noted above. Is it too big? too modern? That doesn't seem to be a problem when looking at those polls. (It is worth noting that it seems most of the respondents are also working with 20 year old data vis a vis pricing.)

For those of us who have been in large scale trains forever, we know full well the requirements of the big engines.  On the other hand, Bachmann is also releasing an updated/upgraded Big Hauler. So, in that way they are serving the 4' diameter market with that engine. Obviously, a 1:22.5 narrow gauge steam engine and a 1/29 1990s diesel are in completely different target eras but still, how many people will run their Dash 9 with 40' boxcars? (raises hand).  I have some Amfleet coaches, an Amtrak boxcar, a Reading and Northern AML covered hopper and a 100 ton coal hopper to round out my 'modern' equipment! But I would fully anticipate doubleheading the Dash 9 with my SD-45 to haul freight and sticks to the firepit. 

Large / Re: 1/29 Dash 9 locomotive
February 16, 2021, 03:09:44 PM
I really like the E8.  I found an almost brand new UP version in a shop on consignment on Black Friday about 4 years back (Ok, the wheels didn't have any scuff on them at all and when we test ran it, I had to switch it from battery power to track).  Even though I don't do UP, I bought it.  We ran it for about a year here and it was really awesome.  But, an opportunity to purchase a GG1 came up, and a friend in LA really wanted it, so we made a deal.  The seller of the GG1 told me he'd sell me a PRR E8, so that became part of the GG1 deal!!

I have an SD-45 and like it too.  I was able to get one of the Pan Am versions from the final run. 

The biggest win will be the gearboxes and parts (hopefully Bachmann is able to order those at the same time. Perhaps 25% more than will be needed for the run of Dash 9s and then sold through the webstore or dealers.  I would imagine that after 10 years on no available parts, there will be market demand.  Curious to know how well the FA/RS-3/U25B motorblock sold.
Large / Re: 1/29 Dash 9 locomotive
February 04, 2021, 09:58:52 AM
Hi Greg!

Yeah, I would say so! Used locomotives at that!
Large / 1/29 Dash 9 locomotive
February 03, 2021, 03:10:32 PM
Dear Bachmann,

It is exciting to see parts of the old Aristocraft 1/29 line being produced under your name!  Thanks for reviving this model. I hope this sparks some more interest in g scale!

Well for sure the D&RGW versions are "Teddy's"

Edit: I had a question about the motor but found it.  Pittman motors are great!
Large / Re: Any New Project, Mr. Bach Man?
April 29, 2020, 12:30:19 PM
How about Trainy McTrainface?

Be careful what you wish for!  We got time on our hands...

Original big hauler is what? 1987?  Close enough to the 25th anniversary. 

We'll call her Silver. Hi-ho, Silver!
Large / Re: Any New Project, Mr. Bach Man?
April 27, 2020, 04:26:06 PM

All I saw was they dropped the planned PRR one from their list. Kept the two D&RGW ones, so you better buy both!!
Large / Re: Stuck at home???
April 14, 2020, 11:53:44 AM
I am never bored at home. My philosophy is being bored is a choice.

My trains are in constant need of maintenance.  Also, we are building an HO scale railroad (so we can run our Bachmann N&W J. SOrry, so my SON can run HIS J).  I am also doing the following:
- adding Revo to my LGB mogul. Repainting and relettering the same.
- Painting and relttering (cut vinyl with my cricut air 2) of 4 tank cars for my late grandfather's business.
- Adding a new smoke stack to my LGB mikado to replace the one I melted last week.
- Adding a new passing siding to my railroad to allow us to load firepit sticks while not clogging up the mainline.
- Swapping out a decoder in my aristo connie for a sound version
- running a minimum of 5 miles a day, every day. Most days I target 8.5 miles.  Ran a half marathon, just because, last Saturday.
- teach my kids from home
- continue to do my regular job.
- become the best cook this side of the garage door. I made a perfect filet mignon for Easter dinner!
- make sourdough from scratch. Still have to work on that.
- started growing vegetables two weeks ago. three weeks until we plant them outside.
- weed the garden and run trains when it isn't raining.
- read the Harry Potter series with my family.
- Taught the kids to play 'flip cup', an important college game, today.

I am sure we'll have more, but being 'bored' is not allowed here.....

Oh, and somebody needs to start taking care of the dog!!!
Have they finally worked through all the old version chassis (plastic gears and old pilot attachment design?)  I was thinking the new chassis would be more expensive due to the changes and costs associated.

Last year, I did an upgrade for a friend's big hauler and also fixed my son's big hauler.  As a result, I ended up with three big hauler chassis and a spare tender. These things grow...
Large / Re: 4-6-0 shell parts needed
February 10, 2020, 08:22:11 AM
I was in the same boat as you recently.  I noticed my son's big hauler seemed 'loose'.  Upon disassembly, I noticed that three of the five mounting points had broken.  I was thinking to just buy a replacement shell, but ended up getting an older big hauler that was fully intact.  Removing the details and repainting was not that difficult, but there was some cutting required. You might be better off finding a used junked anniversary model. Good luck!
Large / Re: Trolley Motor question
November 25, 2019, 06:30:04 PM
I have a LGB automatic shuttle system which does a gradual speed up and slow down. 
Large / New Annie - blind drivers?
October 30, 2019, 09:23:05 PM
I was looking at the drawings for the forthcoming Bachmann 4-6-0 and it appears the center drivers have flanges now? Is that just for the artwork or did that change so that the center drivers are now flanged?  Just curious, and I guess we won't know until they show up.
Large / Re: Trolley Motor question
October 30, 2019, 12:45:29 PM

So I ordered a replacement motor from the parts store. It arrived promptly and I tested it out.  Right out of the box, it worked perfectly.

Notable differences:
- The new block wheels are a darker metal. Not sure if that is good or bad, just different.
- The new block has accommodation for sliding shoes, but does not have them.
- The gearing is still plastic but it appears the interior gears that ride on a pin through the block are a little smaller in width.  This allows them to float a little bit.  I think this is a good thing since the old gears were butting up against the side of the housing.  And with no way to access these except pulling the whole block apart, should reduce internal friction in the drive train.

- the power pick up is via sprung bronze/brass brushes on each of the four wheels.
- both axles are driven
- the motor appears to be the same shape. Not sure about the internals.

I tested the motor block on a set of rollers and it worked fine, forward and backward, even at very low voltages.  Hopefully, that stays the same!  Converting this trolley to run on REVO would be pretty easy.  I intend to operate it on a back and forth line this Christmas season!
Norman, if you view the online catalog, you can see the paint schemes that were proposed in 2017/8 timeframe. 

I'm curious how 'green' the PRR scheme will be.  I suspect they actually mean 'brunswick green' which is more or less black. 

I haven't ever bought a new 4-6-0 and am excited to see it when it comes back.  I do have a couple of old ones here.