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Messages - bobwrgt

HO / Re: SD40-2
June 09, 2009, 09:24:56 PM
I have Bachmann, Broadway, and Athearn SD40-2's and all run just fine on 18in radius. Even the Kato sd38-2 is OK. 
They would look better on 22 or larger but I don't have room.
You may also try changing the rear coupler to a long shank  for better swing. I have one freight car with long shank at front of train and it works fine with all the 6 axel engines.

HO / Re: outside? YES!
May 20, 2009, 07:50:08 AM
Nice going. Trains are fun.
I set up a 40 ft x 15ft loop of track on the deck once and had a ball.
I use to have 95ft of g scale in the back yard also.
When i have too much time on my hands i think i will paint some HO track for UV protection and set it up.
I have two of them and both have worked fine at all speed for years on 18in radius. I also have 4 heavy and light mountains that also work fine.

HO / Re: Convert hook and loop to knuckle coupler
April 19, 2009, 07:49:53 AM
I have several Hornby engines with hook and loop as well as Spencer. Trying to add hook and loop to American car is not easy.
You can take a Hook and loop car and remove the hook only. Glue a coupler box centered on the loop and you are off and running. Glue it above or below loop for correct heigth.
HO / Re: Trying to take the body of a GE DASH 8-40CW
April 07, 2009, 10:20:02 AM
On the older style you have to remove the fuel tank (2 screws) to get to the screws holding the shell.
On the newer ones you have to remove the couplers to remove shell.

HO / Re: Mr Bach-man steam for 18in radius
March 31, 2009, 10:12:08 PM
Recently noticed that on the Hornby web site they list radius and length of each model.
HO / Re: Switching to N scale
March 02, 2009, 08:47:08 PM
look in the n scale section and check out steam before you purchase. They have had alot of trouble with some. Ho has a much better selection of steam and alot less problems.

HO / Re: Switching to N scale
March 01, 2009, 07:58:50 PM
I have N and HO. About the same in prices. Switched to HO because steam is realy bad in N scale. N uses less room.

HO / Re: walthers
March 01, 2009, 07:55:56 PM
Not as detailed as some but good runners. You can add your own detail. Can motor and do have a flywheel. I have three with no problem.

HO / Re: need advice on diesel with sound purchase
February 18, 2009, 08:29:05 PM
I have several sound engines and love them all for various reasons.
The Athearn F7 F3 are very easy because they use a seperate controler for sound.
The Atlas, Broadway (older models) and Proto engines with QSI sound alot  better than the Athearn but are more complex.
The Broadway Blueline have very good sound but you will have to add seperate DCC.
If you shop around you can find very good deals on factory installed sound.
None of my QSI sound engines cost more than $125.00.
HO / Re: Minimum turning radius 2-10-2 HO?
February 14, 2009, 04:50:56 PM
I had one once and it did not derail but did slow down a bit.

The thing that bothered me most was that the one of the drivers would move in and out slapping the side of the rail even on straight sections. Sent it back to Bachmann and they returned it just like i sent it in. Sent it in again and got a Heavy Mountain replacement.

I would purchase a 2-10-2 again if i was sure it did not slap the rail.

I would like to know if others are also having this problem.

HO / Re: Mr Bach-man steam for 18in radius
February 13, 2009, 08:32:58 AM
It would be nice if Bachmann would test these new releases and publish the results in the specs.

Assuming that i had an older Niagera that runs fine on 18in i purchased the new Dcc 4-8-4 northern and it did not derail but slowed down alot going around the 18in radius. Had to sell it on ebay.
I just purchased the Bli 4-8-4 Santa fe and will see how it works. They publish in the spec for 18 inch.

I also made the same mistake with the 2-10-2 Dcc. I could have lived with it slowing down some but the driver would oscillate and slap the rail makeing a hammering noise even on the streight. Sent it to repair and they returned it just as bad as sent in. Sent it in second time and they replaced it with a 4-8-2 heavy mountain. I have 4 of these that work fine at all speeds.
From  everything i see the IHC 2-10-2 is good for 18 inch. Would have liked the Bachmann.

I have a BLI M1a and N&w J that work just fine on 18 inch as well as a AHM/Riverrossi Berk.

I would purchase more Bachmann steamers if i knew they would work for sure. Just tired of testing them and returning or selling them on ebay.

HO / Mr Bach-man steam for 18in radius
February 11, 2009, 11:42:58 AM
You do not show the radius for DCC 2-8-4 Berk. Will it work on 18in.

I sure would like other steamers but you do not show what will work.

HO / Re: 2-8-4 berk
February 08, 2009, 08:54:04 AM
What problems are you having with the J on 18inch?
Mine does not derail or salow down at all.
Is your track hand laid from flex or sectional?
I have sectional powerlock track with plastic roadbed and it is solid and level.

HO / 2-8-4 berk
February 07, 2009, 10:07:22 AM
I only have 18in radius because of space. Is anyone running one of the new 2-8-4 berk's on 18in radius?? Does it slow down on the curves?

I have tried the new 4-8-4 Santa fe and it did not derail but it realy slowed down in the curves.
I have also tried the 2-10-2 Spectrum and it did not derail But slowed down some what . The center drivers on both 2-10-2 engines tried would slap the rail even on the straight track. Sounded like tapping the rail with a screw driver. One was a replacement sent direct from Bachmann.

I have a Bli N&W J, M1a, and AHM Berk that all run fine. Even my older Bachmann Niagra has no problem.
