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Messages - Tom Lapointe

General Discussion / Re: How not to use a turntable
July 07, 2009, 09:26:24 PM
Well, it's nice to know I'm operating prototypically!  ;)

...& I'm sure my operation was easier to clean up!  :o

                                                                                              :D   Tom
Working 2nd shift, I frequently operate my garden railroad in the "wee hours" of the morning  :D during the summer months; as such, I like my locos to have BRIGHT  8) headlights!

I've added white LED headlights to my 2 Accucraft live-steam Shays when I converted them to RC operation (1 of my Bachmann 2-truck Shays has gotten them also); they really give the effect of an "arc-light" headlamp, especially when viewed head-on.   :o  (The Bachmann 45-ton diesel came factory-equipped with them & is similarly bright).  :)

Here's a little video I shot of my Accucraft 3-cylinder Shay running at night a few years ago: ; note the effect especially around 3:55 in the video (where you can see the headlights gleam on the rails), & the back-up light just before the end of the video where it shines directly towards the camcorder (I so far haven't bothered to make the lights directional, they're just both on if the RC system is on).  ;)

OK, GG, if you're thinking of DCS installation, I now understand why you were asking about flywheels.  :) 

I haven't worked on any DCS-equipped locos myself, but from what I've read of the system's workings, they use an optical encoder working off of a striped disk on the flywheel to provide feedback about motor speed to the the decoder board.  Even if it were possible to easily retrofit the Shay power trucks with flywheels (it would require replacing the existing motors with  physically shorter motors to allow space for a flywheel), there would be a problem due to the motor's physical location down inside the power trucks; the optical encoder disk in such a location would probably be very quickly spattered with lubricants from the gearing  :-\ ; & I can tell you from my own experiences maintaining CNC machine tools 20 years ago that optical encoders do NOT like dirt  :o of any sort!  In a model steam loco with the motor in a more "conventional" location (such as the firebox), external to the gearing, this isn't a problem.  ;)

I understand some of the newer DCS decoders support DCC  :) ; I'd suggest you ask Raymond4449 in the DCC forum of what he'd suggest for a DCS decoder in the Shay, he's pretty much considered the "resident DCS guru"  there.  ;)                   Tom
No flywheels in either the 3 or 2 truck Shays, GG; they both use the same power trucks, with a single motor in each truck.  Thus the 2-trucker is a dual-motored unit, the 3-trucker is triple-motored. :o  They run at prototypically slow  speeds (unless you crank the track voltage up to something ridiculous) ;) , so there isn't much momentum to worry about.  With the motors actually down inside the trucks, there isn't room for Bachmann to stick a flywheel in there anyway.   ;)                   Tom
Large / Re: Heisler's discontinued?
March 26, 2009, 07:45:44 PM
I don't know if they're in the currently in production, but check some of the larger internet dealers, good chance you'll find some.   :)  Seen plenty of them on eBay for certain, just be sure not to get over-enthusiastic in bidding.  ;)

Large / Re: 3 truck Shay with Sound -volume
March 19, 2009, 06:56:04 PM
Even with CV 128 "maxed out" don't expect a tremendous amount of volume; the Tsunami audio output level is only rated at 1 watt (vs. 2 watts for Phoenix Sound's older 2K2 board, or up to 6 watts  8) for their P5).  I have one of the factory DCC-&-Sound equipped 3 truck Shays myself, & although it's volume is not what the Phoenix boards are capable of, I find the volume level acceptable.  (I live in a densely-populated neighborhood, so I try not to get too "over-enthusiastic" ;) with sound system volume levels.)  I have one of the Spectrum "Centennial" Moguls equipped with a Phoenix P5 board; if I crank the volume up, I can actually hear the exhaust echo  :o off the neighboring houses!  :D  (Some of the times I've "cranked it up" has been at the request of the neighbors  ;D - the garden railroad's a "big hit" locally!).  ;D                                                                              Tom
Well, the article said he did learn on a simulator! ;)

Lucky thing he didn't meet another train  :o or clobber someone at a grade crossing. >:(

Sounds like him & his partner were not "the sharpest tools in the shed". :D

The article also mentioned that CSX "was reviewing their security procedures"  8) - I think that might be a good idea! ;D           Tom
As Dave said, the Bachmann Shays (both the 2 & 3 truck versions) run at appropriate scale speeds.   :)

As it came from Bachmann the Tsunami chuff rate was actually too slow  :o for a Shay; if you're running DCC, it's easy to correct by changing the chuff rate CV to it's maximum value.  ;)

Here's mine in operation after the chuff rate adjustment:

- & here it is double heading  ;D ;D with an Accucraft live-steam Shay!  8)

                                                                                              ;) Tom
General Discussion / Re: Big E train show this weekend
January 23, 2009, 06:01:03 PM
Leaving for our hotel in Springfield tonight as soon as we both get out of work.  Bringing along a "shortened" (4 cars, 1 Alco PA) version of my USA Trains New Haven "Merchant's Limited" to run at the Mohegan & Pequot large-scale layout there. 8)  (Unfortunately, 1 PA is down with stripped gears.  :-\ ).  I'll have a name tag on me if I run across any of you guys there; definetly plan to stop by the Bachmann display!  ;D          Tom
Large / Re: Large Scale Thomas !?!
January 22, 2009, 11:02:48 PM
Glad to see Bachmann is FINALLY to be producing a Large-Scale "Thomas" line! ;D 

Assuming you guys are able to price Large-Scale "Thomas" sets comparable to some of the "Annie" sets, I think Bachmann will sell a trainload  ;) of them!  (Also couldn't think of a loco that would be a bigger hit if offered in a Christmas set!  :o ).

I think even some of us "serious" Large-Scale railroaders  ;) might consider adding a Thomas set to the roster just to entertain younger visitors!  :D        Tom
Looks GREAT! ;D  Love your scratchbuilt coaling tower!  8)  Tom
Just made hotel reservations for the weekend of the Amhearst Railway Society "Big Train Hobby Show" in Springfield, MA next weekend. ;D  Mr. B., can I look forward to seeing you at the Bachmann booth?  (Want to give the new "Malley" a good look-over). 8)  Who else is going ??? ;)

Large / Re: Name the new LS articulated contest?
January 12, 2009, 10:16:39 PM
I'll vote for either "Mallet" or misspelled as it's typically pronounced  :D: "Malley!"  ;D                                                                   Tom
Large / Re: AMS Logging Disconects w/Shay
January 12, 2009, 10:11:03 PM
GovB, I can't answer your question for sure, but even on prototype logging railroads it was not an uncommon occurance for link-&-pin coupler pocket heights to be different. :o  The prototype solution was to use a bent link;  I've often seen this done as well on many model logging layouts.  I may eventually pick up some of the AMS disconnects myself (would have already if I didn't already own some of the LGB ones  ;) ).  The AMS ones are definetely better detailed.   8)  Also, in my own case, I use Kadees on my locomotives, just convert the end trucks on a string of disconnects to Kadees, retain the link-&-pins within a disconnect set (in my case, typically 6 disconnect trucks, or 3 "cars").   ;)                                      Tom
General Discussion / Fun in the snow!
January 05, 2009, 09:43:09 PM
Here's what garden railroader's do in the winter  8) ...

For those of you in smaller scales who aren't familiar with some of what's available in Large Scale, BOTH locomotives are live steam  ;D , independently radio controlled (this was true doubleheading - I had a visiting uncle of mine controlling the second engine - we had to coordinate speed & direction on both locos, which was the reason for all the "Go-ahead-&-back-up!" instructions!  :D ).

- Bachmann locos also work well for this  :) ...  (from 3 years ago).  It was a bit easier to do with the Bachmann locos because I was able to consist them via DCC.  ;)
