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Messages - grumpy

HO / Re: # 5 Turnouts???
April 08, 2009, 01:25:21 AM
You can cut the EZtrack with a Dremel tool and abrasive wheel to whatever length you want.
HO / Re: # 5 Turnouts???
April 04, 2009, 11:28:12 PM
Adapter stubs are not required . Join the turnouts the usual way using the connectors . Shim up the turnouts to match the level of the EZtrack. Let the stub from the EZtrack slide under the turnout or trim it off . For shimming I use cork .
Large / Re: track length
April 03, 2009, 11:57:58 PM
I think I would use aluminum track .It is cheaper than brass but just as durable.
HO / Re: EZ-Track noise on wood table
April 03, 2009, 12:28:19 AM
My EZtrack is lay ed directly to homasote . It is only fastened down at turnouts and bridges. I have used only nails long enough to penetrate the homasote and go into the plywood only slightly and not tightly. Once you have the EZtrack joined it requires very little to hold it in place. Because the track is layed on a plastic roadbase you have to give it the room to expand and contract .
HO / Re: EZ-Track noise on wood table
April 01, 2009, 12:46:16 AM
I fasten down my cork or Homasote with a product called No More Nails . It is a very versatile adhesive.
HO / Re: EZ-Track noise on wood table
March 30, 2009, 01:53:06 AM
Go to a lumber store and purchase cork from a roll. You can get it in most thicknesses . Cut it to fit the area you want to cover . It is much cheaper this way and you can custom fit.
HO / Re: Mr Bach-man steam for 18in radius
March 29, 2009, 01:30:34 AM
So far the only locos i have had a problem with in the 18" turns are the 2-10-4 and the 2-10-0.  Both had to fight their way around the corner. I always have to remember when purchasing  loco the each mfg is different and some will navigate the corners very nicely and others won't
HO / Re: Support Your LOCAL hobby shop?
March 29, 2009, 01:05:22 AM
Every time we purchase a model loco rolling stock or accessories we enforce the continuance of jobs lost to foreign companies. Turn your loco over and it will say made in China . There used to be made in Italy or made in Yugoslavia or even made in US. The decision to make a certain loco is made in China based primarily on the possible profit. If they can take an old mold and ressurect it  (2-10-4 ) the possibilities of profit are greater.
I believe in support your local hobby shop but if they don't have what I want at the price I can afford to pay then I must go elsewhere'.
I like many others want to get their trains on track as quickly as possible . It takes many evenings of hand laying track before any trains can be run. Sectional track and flex track are quicker but if you want instant gratification the EZtrack is the answer. Personally I think that hand laying track is a hobby unto itself.
General Discussion / Re: stripping paint
March 25, 2009, 11:54:15 PM
I have used Easy Off oven cleaner for cleaning off paint . It will also remove decals . You will have to do a bit of scraping but it works quite well . It is an irritant to nasal passages .
Athern supplies a wand with some of their products with which to wave over the loco to change the sound volume .
I have also found the Contact cleaner and lubricater from Radio Shack to work very well . Radio Shack here is now called the Source which I understand to be disappearing from the market place in the US. There is also an automotive product for cleaning electrical systems that works as well . I apply it to a cotton swab.
HO / Re: sd-40-2 bachmann dcc equip
March 24, 2009, 12:25:49 AM
If you are running EZcommand your controller will only be able to handle 2-3 locos at once depending on the draw of the locos . Read the instructions that came with your EZcommand . You probably have overloaded your EZcommand with the extra loco.
General Discussion / Re: Yampa Bob's posts
March 23, 2009, 11:23:05 PM
I wonder if he hangs his six gun on the bedpost.
I use polyurethane paints . They are a little more difficult to handle but easier to clean , less toxic but don't bond as well to some surfaces.