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Messages - Ton N

I just lift the roof... ;D

On30 / Re: Why is On30 Scale So Expensive?
March 13, 2020, 04:31:44 PM
There is a mention about evolving colour schemes in this article.
Interesting to read this.

I replaced the lightbulbs with yellowish LED's
You can remove any paint-job there is on the sides with brake fluid.

On30 / Re: Why is On30 Scale So Expensive?
March 13, 2020, 05:25:48 AM
start with the roof , it snaps on to the body.

On30 / Re: On30 4-6-0
March 09, 2020, 06:53:46 AM
If you want to give it at least some creditability why not use the flying Rio Grande logo?


On30 / Re: Why is On30 Scale So Expensive?
March 06, 2020, 03:27:53 PM
I won't name the brand but i have three white metal and brass locomotives.
A K28 and two K27's.
They cost me an arm and a leg and a lot of frustration.
Even up to the point of giving them free flying lessons.
They look fantastic but the drivability is, stating it diplomaticly, disappointing.
The K28 eats decoders and the number 463 just died on me last week and had to be completely overhauled.
Take a Bachmann, put it on the track , no matter how dirty it is, and away it goes without any mayor problems.

General Discussion / Re: spot lights and dc
March 06, 2020, 03:11:45 PM
Depends on how you turn the knob.
backwards is always the reversed polarity of forwards.
But if there is a diode in your circuit it will stop the wrong polarity because a diode is a one way valve for DC

HO / Re: Bachmann 2-8-0 “whirring “noise
March 06, 2020, 10:22:06 AM
Did you lubricate the motor bearings?

On30 / Re: Trench Loco Firebox Flicker
February 28, 2020, 11:38:10 AM
The whole documentation around this model is a bit messy.
If you go to the TCS site and then to the documentation you will find that the documentation about this model will come soon.
When was this model released by Bachmann???
Maybe it is up to Bachmann to give TCS a kick up their backside to hurry up.
It's not good for the brand name Bachmann.

On30 / Re: Trench Loco Firebox Flicker
February 27, 2020, 07:13:04 PM
I have one and i tried to stoke the fire also.
Nothing happened.
So it looks like the quick reference guide is wrong.
there is no firebox flicker.

On30 / Re: Why is On30 Scale So Expensive?
February 25, 2020, 02:47:40 PM
Do like I do , be patient.
Look regularly at EBAY.
Some steals may pop up once in a while.

I just bought a 4-4-0 classic for 135 Dollars incl. P&P in the UK via EBAY.
That's cheap for these neck of the woods.

On30 / Re: Why is On30 Scale So Expensive?
February 25, 2020, 05:40:50 AM
It's a simple case of availability and demand.
Most of the cars are not made any more and the demand is still there.
Coupled with a relative small market segment compared with H0 and N, prices go up.
When i started with 0n30 a boxcar cost $18.
I live in the Netherlands so i had to pay additional shipping costs and taxes.
But then it was still relatively cheap compared to brass models.
I just were lucky to start buying 0n30 in 2006 and have amassed an extensive collection 0n30.


HO / Re: 4-4-0 sound decoder in item No. 80130
February 21, 2020, 03:06:16 PM
CV8 = 8

On30 / Re: 'Trench' loco arrived, very nice!
February 21, 2020, 04:37:46 AM
Sorry, it's a shame that it is a bit out of focus but that is what you get with a cheap camera.
It is what it is for now, working on it.

On30 / Re: On30 Underframes
February 19, 2020, 04:13:35 PM
Have you tried EBAY?
The screws as you mite have noticed go trough the holes without purchase.
The are supposed to connect to the upper body of the car.
I use M 2.5 screws but i am Dutch and use only metric thread.
