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Messages - OkieRick


No need to be a mention a word, Bob, your meaning kinda sneaks out.




They have beautiful depots - with no identification on the structure it's architecture tells you it's an A.T.S.F.


If you're looking for things like this


Go here and check out Phil Derrig Designs.

General Discussion / Re: good news
May 30, 2009, 11:53:20 PM
Ok...RAM, I'm not trying to hijack your thread but I have a MRR question.

When you get that brand new beautiful ALL black $200 Steam Loco you've been saving for and see the only contrasting color on it might be the numbers and bell, when is it ok to paint some whitewalls on the drivers or on all wheels for that matter?

I know, you research it & see if "they did that on that line back then."

Will I get laughed out of the service yard or fired if, as a driver, i paint my wheels?

Thanks RAM


Yampa Bob said:

"Would Google be a "Search Motor" since it is electronic and doesn't burn fuel?"

Fuel?  What do you think that cup of coffee, 2 eggs, 2 slices of toast, stack of pancakes, bowl of grits and orange juice for breakfast was?

an Okie bothering you...
HO / Re: DCC Programming
May 30, 2009, 10:56:29 PM

When I called tech support at Soundtraxx the guy told me setting CV to 6 was the most basic way to get DC (Analog Mode) back.

HO / Re: Start of a fresh layout
May 30, 2009, 10:23:19 PM

My high school gym wasn't as big as that room!  Looks good.  Keep us in pictures.


HO / Re: Modeling 1905
May 30, 2009, 12:07:52 AM
Quote from: pdlethbridge on May 28, 2009, 02:50:33 AM
What? waiting 6 to 8 weeks?

Ayep, for about four months now.  Bless her heart, Bea can't say it's being worked on, it's ready or shipped untill it is.  She's doing her job.

HO / Re: DCC Programming
May 30, 2009, 12:00:21 AM
Unless Soundtraxx has changed in 3 months the Tsunami is DCC only by default.  I've used two, one on a Bachmann to Tsunami swap and one on a DCC Ready upgrade.  Both left me without DC operation at all.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong!


As usual, great info from all 'cept me.  It's bookmarked as . . .

                      HOW TO SCREW - BY THE PROs



When you go to inquire or buy these 'little screws' - all 347 gazillion required to MR - how do you tell the guy at a fastener store, "it's only about this big" as he looks at you thinking "why doesn't he want 10,000 SAE 1 inch machine bolts 6 inches long so I can make some money?"

What sizes are these little buggers, seriously!?


HO / Re: Modeling 1905
May 29, 2009, 12:04:58 AM
Quote from: Woody Elmore on May 28, 2009, 11:01:30 AM
The "Russian" decapods didn't exist in 1905.

No unless maybe on paper or as an idea.  Info on the spur of the moment is:

Prior to the start of World War One, the Russian Imperial Government ordered over 1200 "Decapod" type 2-10-0 steamers from Alco and Baldwin. But the Russian Revolution forced the cancellation of the order in 1917, leaving 200 undelivered. In 1918, these locos were rebuilt for US service and turned over to the United States Railroad Administration (USRA) who assigned them to various roads. In 1920, many of these "Russian Decapods" as the locos were coming to be known, began finding homes with smaller railroads. There, the combination of light weight and good pulling power made them an ideal freight engine. For some roads, they were the biggest steam locos ever purchased.

I only said there was an article about putting 2 speakers and a Tsunami in a Russian located at the above Bob mentioned link, not that there were Russian Decapods out in 1905.

clearing myself up...

Quote from: Robertj668 on May 24, 2009, 03:07:05 PM
I am just returning the sound card to MRC. I hope it all goes well. 
I am curious what you think about the Russian Decapod?  Does it run well on the recommended 22".  Have you tried it on 18"?  I am thinking of getting one.

I love my Russian. My ovals don't have true circular ends. I have a 9" straight piece of Atlas track at the center of the 180 degree arc.  It worked well on it while I had it. The tender trailed nicely also if my memory serves me well. 

I noticed a puff of smoke coming from the tender one day and sent it in for repairs. It was a Christmas gift not a month old when I mailed it back.


HO / Re: Modeling 1905
May 27, 2009, 11:58:51 PM

Thanks - the article about putting speakers and Tsunami sound in a Russian Decapod was interesting.

I'm going to do that to my DCC Ready Rusian if I ever get it back from Bachmann Repair.  A call Tuesday netted the regular, "It will take 6 to 8 weeks," which is what I was told when I first called in March.

Aw heck, this aint no union shop.  Even if OSHA could pronounce the name of this place a sawbuck in the inspector's palm once a month would keep the wheels rolling.

I'm sure that feller was hollering, "This sure beats walking" or "we've come a long way.  Donkeys used to have to pull these loads."

The sad thing about it is all countries at one point or another were all this high on the Technology scale.

In 1970, my first year attending a junior college in Miami, OK, I took a $2.00 ride 300 feet down to an abandoned lead & zinc mine to see horses, mules and donkeys that had been bred from the original stock first used in the mines in the early 1900's. These animals, while being cared for and fed regularly had never seen the sunshine or grazed on green grass.  As a horse owner I found all this interesting but sad at the same time.  Provisions for removing the livestock were done away with once a mine became operational.  The area the mine was located in is now the polluted superfund cleanup site called Tar Creek.

Hey Jim!

Doesn't that little electric buggy earn the title of locomotve?  I'm sure he'd appreciate the job title raise from "engine driver" to "locomotive driver."  :)
