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Messages - bevernie

General Discussion / Re: Real train track
December 31, 2008, 07:57:49 PM
 ???OH, MY!!  :oDoes all this mean that when I cross an old abandoned piece of an old "track" that I have actually crossed only a rail? I'm so glad that none of my English instructors, especially that DOCTOR I had in COLLEGE, were not present to hear me make such a BLUNDER! To have massacred the English language in such a way would surely have resulted in the cutting out of my tongue!!
Should the song have said, "Leave a lot of happy rails as you go down life's road? ???
                                                      8)                                Ernie
Large / Re: Bachmann Big Hauler
December 31, 2008, 05:47:04 PM
GREETINGS!! As an added note, probably any question that you might have concerning model trains can be answered by Wes Rael at:
Just tell him that Ernie sent you!!                                 THANX!!
                                                   8)                                 Ernie
General Discussion / WHEN'S THE NEXT SHOW??
December 29, 2008, 03:11:13 PM
 ;DGREETINGS, Mr. B!!  :oWhen's the next show that you'll be at with your GREAT layout, as shown in the photos?? :oWOW!! I can't wait to see it!
Of course, I'm hoping the SHOW will be in HENDERSONVILLE, NC, or at least a close proximity thereto!!
  Say... around sometime in January, 2009?? LOL
                                                    8)                                            Ernie
HO / Re: Parts for Athearm Steam Engine
December 28, 2008, 01:25:38 PM
 :DGREETINGS!!  ;)If all else fails, you might go to EBAY! In the "search", try "trains, ho, junk, parts", or something of the sort, to find something that may have what you need!! ???
                                                       8)                                     Ernie
General Discussion / Re: Power Cord
December 24, 2008, 06:32:42 PM
 :DGREETINGS!!  If the cord is the red one that goes from the PP to the TERMINAL TRACK, just contact me through e-mail, and I'll send it to you. I've got several.   :o  (HO ONLY!!)                                        
                                                     8)                                         Ernie
December 24, 2008, 02:55:05 PM
Quote from: Conrail Quality on December 23, 2008, 11:39:47 PM
Likely very little: maybe $30.


:DWell, I guess that means that I may have at least gotten my money's worth, since I paid $30.85 (including shipping!) for it!! :o
                                                       8)                                         Ernie
General Discussion / Re: New layout
December 23, 2008, 07:42:52 PM
 :DGREETINGS!! For my 2 cents' worth, I have downloaded both (XtrkCAD4 and RTS 8.0 FREEWARE), and I find the latter much easier to get on the board. Of course, after you get on the board, and if you want to divert from the ordinary, you may have a problem! I've still not figured a way to pattern my layout, because is has more deminsions than their options offer!
But, still, I've not even figured out how to get on the board with the other one!!(YES, I am a complete ignoramus as concerning COMPUTER LITERACY!!) Part of my problem might be, also, that I really don't read the instructions!!                                                                      THANX!!
                                                  8)                                        Ernie
December 23, 2008, 07:20:20 PM
 :DGREETINGS, ALL!! I just bought a DANA PROMOTIONAL TRAIN that was produced in the late '90's off Ebay, and I'm wondering if anyone can offer an estimate as to the value. The ad said that there were only 1000 made, though another ad said 3000! I used to deliver (truck axles) to Dana, in Henderson, KY., and I know that they were going through some bad financial times then, so I'm not sure that this train would have any value. They were closing plants all over the U.S.!! :-[
Anyway, any help offered will be sincerely appreciated!!
                                                  8)                                               Ernie
P.S.  The set is HO, and that's why I ran this inquiry as such!!
                                                  8)                                                ECD
General Discussion / Re: Old HO Set
December 22, 2008, 04:55:10 PM
 :DGREETINGS!! ;) What to do with it is your choice, but my wife has her N set right next to my HO set, and it's like a train way off in the "distance"!!
                                                       8)                                      Ernie
      If you choose to throw it away, you can throw it at me!!
                                                       8)                                       ECD
HO / Re: Kaydee Couplers
December 21, 2008, 09:16:08 PM
 :DGREETINGS!! Guys, excuse me, but I'm confused! (As always!!) I've been wanting to change all my cars over, but because of finances, have not beemn able to do so!
My question, now, though, is whether it is possible to just change the coupler, or do I need a box that attaches to the frame? Can you attach the KAYDEE coupler using the "box" that is made onto the wheelset with the old "horn-hook" couplers? ???
                                                             8)                           Ernie
    Alex, I took it upon myself to "search" for "Rich Cormier", and my computer found over 100!! My wife says "That's a lot of doorbell ringing!"!!
No, I'm not going to call them, but you might (the computer has phone numbers for most of them!!) If you know what STATE he is in, that would be a great help! Best of luck!! :o
                                                            ;)                                THANX!!
                                                           8)                                   Ernie
HO / Re: Baby Grand Piano Christmas
December 20, 2008, 10:37:48 PM
GREETINGS!! You do realize that this is posted in the "HO" FORUM, and not the "N", don't you?? LOL!!
                                               8)                                 Ernie
HO / Re: block signaling
December 18, 2008, 02:34:57 PM
GREETINGS, Daylight!! Good news (I hope)!! I wrote Kalmbach, and Mr. Mark Thompson honored me with a most gracious reply stating that, since the book is out of print, he will have to do some reserach to see if he is able to grant permission, or if the copyright has reverted back to the author. If it is within legal rights for him to grant permission, then it's a "done deal" (he will gladly grant said permission); otherwise, I will have to make efforts to contact the author!!
Let's all HOPE that he can still grant the permission!! I'll let you know as soon as I know!!
                                                        8)                             Ernie
HO / Re: block signaling
December 14, 2008, 09:30:57 PM
 :DWOW!! That's a steaL!! Especially since it sold originally for $5!! AMAZON is in for a RUSH!! WOW!!                                                             8)                        THANX!!
HO / Re: block signaling
December 14, 2008, 10:25:46 AM
 :'(My apologies to all in that I mistakenly put KALMBACH with BACHMANN! Somehow, my feeble brain confused BACHMANN with MODEL RAILROADER (??)!!
:DAnyway, you have the name of the book that it's in, so you may be able to find it somewhere! It's about 8 1/2 by 11 and paperback.
;)As stated earlier, it is a neat book with all sorts of useful information and circuits!
                                                8)                                     Ernie