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Messages - rbrpguy

Large / Re: Track Cleaning by Hand
December 05, 2024, 09:13:35 AM
Wow, some really cool methods on there. Thanks!
Large / Track Cleaning by Hand
December 04, 2024, 05:38:46 PM
Hi Y'all, what do you recommend to keep track clean by hand without making a mess? Scotch Brite or something similar maybe? I ordered some conductive oil to apply afterwards. Thanks!
General Discussion / Layout Size Question
December 01, 2024, 01:50:53 PM
Hi Ya'll, I am a G scale guy but would like to have a small N scale layout. When an N scale set says it is 34 x 24, does that mean it will fit on a table that size? I want to put it on a sofa table. Thanks!
Large / Re: "Floating " Train Progress
November 28, 2024, 07:54:13 AM
Wow Bill, most impressive both you and your son! That snowplow is insane! Thanks for sharing! This is exactly what this forum needs, I think everyone would really enjoy seeing the hard work, dedication and vision of their fellow enthusiasts!
Large / Re: "Floating " Train Progress
November 26, 2024, 07:47:19 AM
You have to go to the main page and choose "New Topic" for members of the forum to see your post  :D
Large / Re: "Floating " Train Progress
November 25, 2024, 02:54:54 PM
Thanks much Bill. I will reach out to you and the forum when I get the other set running should I encounter the speed issue. I am certain y'all will have a solution :D Sure would like to see other members layouts, is there a special section to do that? Thanks!
Large / "Floating " Train Progress
November 24, 2024, 09:29:11 PM
Hi Ya'll! Home tasks have seriously been hindering my fun train time! Since last post, I have acquired a better power supply (USA Trains Train Power 4) and have attached and been running my two animated stock cars and the caboose. I have added a remote control to the caboose to operate the sound box, interior light and Hobo light on the back. Has been running great without incident, however like a nervous father, I never take my eyes off it! I have provided a link if you are interested, one loop around. Still in the planning stages as far as scenery and addons. I think my next step is to add my other loco with a few cars opposite this one and have them both looping at the same time. Better get eyes in the back of my head! ;D
Large / Re: My Elevated "Floating" Train Project
October 22, 2024, 04:55:00 PM
Thanks to you as well Loco Bill! Your encouragement and insight are very valuable to all on this forum!
Large / Re: My Elevated "Floating" Train Project
October 22, 2024, 04:51:58 PM
Thanks Greg! I ordered some weights (4oz each) for my boxcars to place over each axel. I think you are spot on regarding your previous suggestion. I really appreciate the input from this forum.
Large / My Elevated "Floating" Train Project
October 20, 2024, 02:52:08 PM
Hi Ya'll! I wanted to share the progress of my elevated train. My concept was to have a layout that appears to be "floating". The track portion is complete, and I have had numerous successful loops without incident. Now I am only running the locomotive and tender because I have not yet purchased a sufficient power supply and am using the Bachmann controller that came with my Cow Catcher train set. The first two links are photos, first one shows the 3-degree pitch on the straights that keep the train leaning towards the wall. The track transitions into the curve to flat then back to 3-degrees, etc. The second photo shows a wide angle of the elevated track. The third link is just a short video of one loop around. Next step is power supply, adding cars (weighted as suggested by Greg Elmassian) followed by scenery (corners will have little scenes, straights bushes, trees, etc. and some scenic backdrops) Anyway, that's my vision so far, just wanted to share! Please let me know if links don't work :D
Large / Re: Two Choo Choos
October 03, 2024, 06:33:37 AM
Yes sir, opposite ends. Thanks!
Large / Two Choo Choos
October 02, 2024, 02:15:30 PM
Hi Ya'll! Is it not advisable to run two separate trains on the same track at the same time? (they would be opposite of each other while running) If it's ok, Loco Bill, is the transformer you recommended powerful enough to accommodate? Just curious. Thanks!
Large / G Scale Log Project
September 12, 2024, 03:30:20 PM
Hi Ya'll! So in between waiting for supply deliveries for my elevated train project, I wanted to share a video I made. If you decide to watch, you'll see immediately that I am no videographer! Although the plastic logs on the log car are decent, I wanted something a little more organic in appearance without using actual sticks. In searching around the internet, I found some homemade ones, but still not to my liking. Started messing around with different techniques, this is what I came up with. As far as my research took me, I found no other similar method. I do not ever want to take credit for someone else's work. Again, I am a novice, and this Forum could be filled with methods like this. This isn't one of those commercial laden, subscribe, etc. YouTube videos, it's actually the first time I have ever done anything like this, so be gentle!

Large / Rusty
August 25, 2024, 09:24:15 AM
Hi Ya'll! Was there ever a version of Bachmann Big Haulers L 2-4-2 Steam Locomotives that were made to look weathered and rusty, or is the one I am looking at actually weathered and rusty? Ha, ha! It is a private listing not Ebay and says it is new. Thanks!