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Programming EZ DCC turnouts

Started by, May 18, 2024, 04:58:22 AM

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I am currently using the EZ Track system and I have a few x-overs using 2 turnouts. Two of my turnouts work perfectly together but the other two are not synced. I did see a method for resetting the starting position on the switch in the product specification sheet. However, I think the setting called for a button I didn't have on my Digitrax controller DT602D. Do you have another way to change the original position of the turnout using my Digitrax controller? It would be great to use one number for the two turnouts/X-over.

I would love some advice. Also is there an alternate way to put power wipers on the Acela locomotive so the power wipers aren't used to clean off the wheel and supply power to the locomotive? It would be great if you have a power wiper the sits on the side of the wheel instead of the surface that touches the track. I'm just saying..

I wonder if it's possible to bend the copper on the current wiper to go on the side? It would be nice not to have to pay for an entire truck to get 4 small pieces of copper to test with. It would be even better if Bachmann realized their mistake with the power wipers and corrected it themselves.

Then knowing how awful the original wipers were, they could send out a letter saying they would replace up to 8 wipers for the cost of shipping, for those who would like their locomotives to have the same power standards as even some of your very old models.

I have 3 powered Acela locomotives and two dummies and 9 cars. All DCC.
Thanks in advance.



I am not 100% sure what You are asking...but crossover switches have (2) slide levers...have You tried sliding one or the other to bring them back into sync?  Or...You might need to flip one green wire "upside down" and reconnect it.

I am currently working a friend's HO layout that has a total of (6) crossover switches and I'm going to try splicing the green wires from 2 switches to a single DCC Control Box to make it easier to keep them aligned with a single touch of the proper button.

I am planning NOT to program the switches to work from the command station...since that will complicate running trains - we'll just manually touch the DCC Box buttons.

His layout is further complicated by 3 pre-teen granddaughters who love to watch the KISS (Keep It Silly Simple) is the route