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Large Scale 4-4-0

Started by hungry horace, April 19, 2009, 06:51:33 AM

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hungry horace

Hi, I have several 4-4-0`s in spc colours, but they all have the same cab and tender number 3.Can anyone suggest a tried and tested method of removing these numbers without affecting the base colour red? Also can anyone suggest where I can get appropriate decals for South Pacific Coast?I also understand that some of the 4-40`s were also painted in a green shade, has anyone attemted this?......Jim

Loco Bill Canelos

Hi, There is really no tried & true method of removing the numbers but metallic colors like the  gold 3 sometimes come off easier than other colors.   Try denatured alcohol using a Q tip to gently rub on the lettering & I do mean gently.  I have spent over an hour just removing one number!!  On some the letteriong is laquer,  use laquer thinner and the Q tip again very little laquer thinner.  Others have reported success with a product called Goo Gone.   As I recall the SPC had the cabside numbers, the rear tender number and the one on the front number plate.  You should be able get them all off.   You may be able to find some gold dry transfer numbers, but it will be hard to get the wide style on your SPC loco.   I have done what you wanr to do very sucessfully.  If you have no success that way,  there is a fellow who makes custom decals, who will make an exact copy of that lettering if you send him demensions and close up photos.  His name is Fred Tennyson.   You can reach him at [email protected]  He does a great job and the cost is very reasonable.  Tell him Bill Canelos recommended him!

Sorry I can't help with your other questions.

Good luck with your project. 
Loco Bill,  Roundhouse Foreman
Colorado & Kansas Railway-Missouri Western Railway
Official Historian; Bachmann Large Scale
Colorado RR Museum-Brakeman-Engineer-Motorman-Trainman
There are no dumb or stupid questions, just questions!


if you are set up for air brushing, Paasche makes a thing called an "Air Eraser"--designed for draftsmen to remove ink lines, but does well taking of lettering.