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Messages - dtpowell

N / Re: A UK Graham Farish request
May 18, 2010, 09:25:28 PM
Thanks for the suggestion ABC. While I don't expect an acknowlegement from them, at least they'll have the letter.
It's a shame there isn't a general product request area for each of the Bachmann lines.
N / A UK Graham Farish request
May 18, 2010, 12:40:42 PM

I didn't know where to make this request on the UK site, so thought maybe you could pass this along to the powers that be.

I was surfing around the internet this past weekend and came across a new rough scale "0" model from the Swiss company "Darstaed" of a very famous UK EMU. "The Brighton Belle" It is one of my personal favorites too. London to Brighton 51 miles in an hour or so in posh British Pullman luxury. I came very very close in shelling out the cash to purchase one when my common sense kicked in. While I do have the layout to run it. It would be an odd set that needs to use 24V DC instead of AC.

So, since they are currently restoring the Brighton Belle. I was hoping that maybe Graham Farish would produce this famous train in a version I could afford and run more often in "N" scale. Operating table lamps? Well, maybe brass turnings.

Just curious here with a few questions. If your wanting additional electrical pickup for the tender. How difficult would it be to add pickups to the Model Power tender? Could you possibly substitute the trucks from a Kato caboose? (They have pickups)
Also, does the new Model Power Loco really have poor connectivity? The ones I own seem to do just fine. Of course my trackwork isn't very complicated.
I'd really like to see a new upgraded Berkshire 2-8-4 produced. Maybe this time we'll see some new road names. The one I want the most is the NKP 765, but lettered for the Norfolk and Western as it was for the final run of the Pocahontas. 

As for the 2-10-2. When I hear some speak about one in "N" scale, the first loco I think of is the one made by Con-Cor. As Skipgear said in his posting. It's wrong in so many ways. It's still a 2-10-2, but what prototype? I'd love to see a 2-10-2 a B&O 2-10-2 BIG SIX..! With Bachmann's Vanderbilt tender they almost have one. (notice the tongue in check) Now for the main part of the loco Bachmann... Please?
I promise to buy at least two! And while I'm at it. How about a heavy Mountain in B&O?
N / Re: rapido couplers
April 11, 2010, 11:12:50 AM
The more I see the new coupler. The more I like it. I can see many advantages to it. It's one piece design will certainly make it much easier to installed in applications that don't have the draft gear. The current MT automatics are two piece and are a pain to install. Nice job Bachmann.
You've got your wish folks... ConCor makes a 2-10-2. I know it's produced in
PRR (several versions), C&O, and N&W. Maybe more.

I think Walthers is still producing th LifeLike 2-8-4, but not certain.

Check thier web sites or do an on line search for both.
N / Re: An N scale K4 in the works
March 22, 2010, 07:56:34 PM
Quote from: inkaneer on March 21, 2010, 03:15:52 PM
If anyone, including Bachmann makes the K4 Please do it without the traction tires if at all possible.  A cast metal shell as in the Model Power FP7's could add the necessary weight without the need for traction tires for most people.  Separate traction tire equipped drivers could be an option for those who would want them.  A K4 would be a real winner especially as others have pointed out the Kato Broadway Limited car sets and all the vintage Atlas, Rivarossi, Lima, Model Power, etc. heavy weight PRR cars that are out there.  Those Broadway Limited car sets alone spawned three runs of a GG1 and another run of PRR E8's on top of about two or three prior runs of PRR E8's. 

And one more thing.  Bachmann produced a great 2-8-0 consolidation.  That mechanism could, with a different shell, make a PRR H series 2-8-0.  The PRR 2-8-0's lasted till the end of steam and then soldiered on in numerous short lines and regional RR's till they just wore out. 


I disagree with you on the traction tires. I have several Model Power steamloco's and they wouldn't pull much of anything until I switched out one of the drivers with the traction tire equipt ones I got to retorfit them from Model Power.
No matter what Bachmann may add to their steam locomotive line this year. I want them with traction tires.
N / Re: f3 or f7 n scale
March 18, 2010, 02:46:03 PM
Yes, I have a set of F7's A-B in the South Pacific "Black Widow" paint scheme. They look as good as anything in the market IMO. Mechanically? I haven't run mine enough to comment on durability, but there operation is more than acceptable to me. Maybe someone else can comment here. Both units are powered and I can't say if I've seen any 'N' scale dummy units for a long time. I would recommend using all powered units anyway. My only problem with my F7's are the Rapido couplers. I need a transition car to operate them with my Kato SP passenger set. Now that Bachmann is planning to equip their 'N' scale line with magnetic automatics. I'm looking forward to purchasing additional Bachmann diesels.
N / Re: Any new annoucements coming soon?
March 15, 2010, 12:41:28 PM
Quote from: geocan on March 14, 2010, 06:56:19 PM
Several new announcements or ew releases are included in the new catalog.  New 2-8-0's with DCC, New DDA40X's.  New 44-tonners. New runs of the 4-8-4. 

I dunno geocan,  while these would certainly be welcome improvements on the existing Bachmann line. :D I'm still hoping for something a completely new like a USRA Pacific, Mikado, and a NYC Hudson.  ;D I mean, how many UP DDA40X's were made? And the Santa Fe 4-8-4? I'lll remain hopeful and wait for summer. The 4-6-0 would be a great new addition too.
N / Re: New N scale coupler pics
March 15, 2010, 12:32:08 PM
Nice looking coupler. IMO, better looking than what's currently availbile in "N" It looks a great deal like an HO coupler with that side spring.
N / Re: Any new annoucements coming soon?
March 12, 2010, 11:59:58 AM
Thanks Bachmann,

I look forward to it.

I would love to see a B&O mountain too in-edan. I grew up near the B&O. My schools
athethic field was located right on the edge of the Cinti to Chillicothe (Ohio Division). It was a constant parade of Steam in the mid 50's. Both locomotives would be great to see.

N / Any new annoucements coming soon?
March 08, 2010, 11:48:25 AM
Hello Bachmann,

Now that the Toy shows are behind us are there any new product announcements on the horizon? Or should we be a little more patient and wait till the NMRA convention this summer?

Thanks, Dave
(Hoping for some new heavy to midsize steam ;-)
On30 / Re: Red tail lights for On30 Trolley
February 24, 2010, 12:32:25 PM
Hello Pete,

I'm using the Closed Street Car on straight DC. I'm planning a small double loop free lanced Trolley subway. The single cars will generally operate in one direction only. I will be using Dallee electronics station stops for control. Since the headlight was reversed in direction of travel. I thought it might be easy to add a Red LED to each end. Or, maybe, switch out the headlight for an LED with white/red capability. Your DC operation plan sounds good to me.

Thanks for the information.
On30 / Red tail lights for On30 Trolley
February 23, 2010, 12:10:43 PM
I want to add reversing red LED tail lights to my On30 trolley and was wondering if it is possible to add them to the existing circuit? Has anyone added them or has another method to add lighted tail markers?
N / Re: N Amfleet cars and HHP loco
February 19, 2010, 12:06:36 PM
I admire anyone who wants to run any type of wire on string on the Kato cantenary system. It's gunna be tough to do I'm sure. You might consider leaving the wires and string off and restricting the pantographs  height. The wires prototypical would be so small if modelled to scale It would be very hard to see.

If you're looking for an operating N scale cantenary system click on the link below. Sommerfeldt of Germany makes some.