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Messages - Dusten Barefoot

I would have to say the Ten Wheeler. The 2-6-0 is a close 2nd though. If the 4-4-0 was an 8-18c then that would be my absolute favorite. Whoops I think I said too many. Sorry ;D

Rock On!
On30 / Re: Dual gauge On30 track?
November 01, 2011, 07:35:19 PM
I wouldn't think that would be a good idea. The wheels can be spread out, but the combination link on the valve gear, can't, and neither can the cylinders, unless you chop it up.

Since the ten wheelers are based on three foot gauge models, the Standard gauge models can be 42" gauge, and no one would really know. If the ten wheeler is actual scale to 3ft gauge, then take some 42" gauge suff, and scale them to look like standard gauge equipment, and that should solve the problem of the looks and size portions. It should all look right.

All I can say, is trial and error :D

Rock On!
On30 / Re: Dual gauge On30 track?
October 28, 2011, 10:12:54 PM
Personally it shouldn't be to bad to look at? If it's is, I would suggest hand laying the outside SG rail to a scale of 42" "metere?" gauge. Something like that. It may not be standard gauge, but will give the overall effect you're looking for with a third rail. You can also scratch build some 42" rolling stock, to the size of Sg stuff, and that should work. No one will notice the rail difference, unless you plan on doing some SG running with 205-206-207, or 208, then you might want to re-gauge an engine, or build your own. Hopefully you might be doing work with a swivel coupler, and use the ten wheelers, or it would be nice to have 7 for switching duty, like they used to, or even #s 4-6; the 2-8-0s alsodid some switching in JC.

Rock On!
On30 / Re: what does everybody want after the Heisler?
October 15, 2011, 02:43:54 PM
I agree with you whole heartedly Rich! Except my layout's 1890 :).  How about a c-16 2-8-0 from the 1880s? I'm not too good at kit bashing, and backdating, so it would be nice to see a RTR engine from the 1800s. I think I may continue to be a squeaky wheel here, and say an 8-18c 4-4-0 or a 8-18d 2-6-0 would be awesome. If you think about it; Bachmann would have a wider variety of options for the engine than MMI would. It seems as if MMI is not going to be producing the little lovelies anytime soon. Lastly the MMI versions don't have sound, yet they're about half a grand....maybe a little more.

Rock On!

Nothing against MMI; I'm just inpatient.
On30 / Re: what does everybody want after the Heisler?
October 14, 2011, 03:25:04 PM
I would love to see a masson bogie, preferably a 2-6-4/6 or something.

Rock On!
On30 / Re: what does everybody want after the Heisler?
October 13, 2011, 11:36:38 PM
How bout an ALCO 0-8-0 switcher?

Rock On!

Bob I forgot to thank you for the help; which i do appreciate. I do appologize.

So I was lied to when I asked a while back, if these 4-6-0s had the whistle of ET&WNC #12........ ???  This is rather irritating as I only have 3 whistles and they're all crappy. Two single note, and a five chime which sounds way to big for the engine.  >:(

Does anyone know what I should do to change whistle sounds for my bachmann On30 DCC/sound 4-6-0? I am using a NCE powercab, and is my first DCC sound engine ever. I love it so far, but trying to figure out how the whistle sounds are changed is puzzling me. How would I change the CV code, or what ever it is I need to change in order to receive the Baldwin 3chime whistle that is on#12. I don't like the default 5chime to well

Rock On!
Dusten Blake Barefoot
On30 / Re: what does everybody want after the Heisler?
October 12, 2011, 02:02:53 PM
I'd love to see something more from the 19th century with out having t back date it. I would love to see an 8-18c 4-4-0 or a 8-18d 2-6-0. Dosn't look like MMI will ever get out them"purddy" little americans. Just my few cents.

Rock On!
On30 / Re: Porter Minimum Radius
September 22, 2011, 05:14:24 PM
I don't think there is a min radi for the porters. Them little buggers can go just about anywhere, around anything. I may be wrong though.....most likely I am haha.

Rock On!
I think I found the prototype eninge for the heisler.

Rock On!
Thank you I really appreciate it, and a step closer to buying it.

Rock On!
I know I'm dropping pennys down a well, but since Bachmann made a 4-4-0 "not the one everyone was hopping for"; but would ya'll consider making a locomotive for the people who model the the late 1800s such as the 8-18d 2-6-0. I have recently changed era's would like to model 1908 with 2 4-4-0s from MMI, and a c-16 and 8-18d. People I think have wanted a updated 2-6-0 ;) I'm not sure if there is going to be a lot of people who would like to see this engine made, but I would like to see it produced; and at least try to throw the suggestion in and see if it catches on :)

By the way, how are MMI 4-4-0s? I am on the edge of buying one, but don't know how well the quality is. I also read something about "Model features include can motors and are DCC ready with GME cam and drilled tender" and I don't know what it means by cam and drilled tender; i hope it doesn't have a cam shaft sticking out of the tender leading to the engine to power it.

Rock On!
This is a dumb question, but is it oil fired?

Rock On!