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Messages - TrainCollector

Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas in Williams O scale
December 04, 2017, 11:42:13 PM
Same here. I'd wish they would be compatible with other British stock. But if they were to do it, I think they would have those knuckle couplers which would make them compatible with O/O27 stock. I hope Lionel gives up the license to Bachmann soon. I would love to see Thomas in O scale done right.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas in Williams O scale
December 03, 2017, 09:11:30 PM
I think if Lionel discontinues all of their products Mattel would be able to let Bachmann pick up the license to make O scale Thomas products. I think the sizes and porportions would be much more accurate compared to their Lionel counterparts. Plus unlike Large Scale, Gordon and Henry would have a much better chance at being made as well as other classic characters.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas in Williams O scale
November 22, 2017, 04:14:05 AM
Right I'm sure Mattel could buy the license to do it. Seriously though I think Williams would make great Thomas items in O scale
Thomas & Friends / Thomas in Williams O scale
November 21, 2017, 11:58:35 PM
Hey guys I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Lionel has discontinued several Thomas products in O scale and this got me thinking. Bachmann does a great job with Thomas products and Lionel hasn't really put the best Thomas products out there. What if Bachmann bought the rights to sell Thomas in O scale? The engines would look much better plus we would get much more characters in the range. I think Williams by Bachmann should make Thomas in O scale. Plus unlike large scale bigger engines like Gordon and Henry would have a better chance at being made. What do you guys think?
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
November 15, 2017, 12:52:13 AM
Hey guys it's been a while since I've last joined the conversation so I'm gonna go ahead give my thoughts. This is only for the HO range.

Daisy: As mentioned earlier Daisy is likely to be announced because of her popularity. She's had many starring roles in recent episodes and has had an appeal to kids and adults alike. She may be a bit costly to make but I'm sure she would totally be worth. I wouldn't be surprised if she was announced next. Here's hoping she's the next female character.

Diesel 10: okay I'll admit Diesel 10 is just a personal preference but someone mentioned earlier in the post that Diesel 10 should only be made for kid merchandise and that's it. I think we should hope for a Diesel 10 model. Now before you go saying oh it's not possible and they'll never make him.... Diesel 10 has potentional and CAN be made into an HO model. He is popular despite his lack of appearances and I think his sales would be great despite the cost it would be to make him and despite how expensive he would be. Just hear me out on this one please. Diesel 10 has a chance just not a very good one. I really hope Diesel 10 gets announced, hey you never know maybe he will get announced in the future. Maybe not for 2018 but there still is a chance by 2019 or 2020. Who knows. But if Diesel 10 gets announced for 2018 I will be shocked as will everyone else.

Hiro: Now Hiro is another popular and likable character. He was one of the first new characters introduced in the CGI series. Hiro being a 2-8-2 can navigate 18 inch radius curves but as mentioned before, there is a lot of intricate detail on Hiro that would be applied. So the cost would be a bit more however sales would be good for Hiro. The character has a lot of appeal to the audience and is popular among fans.

Sidney: now many people have talked about it. But Sidney shouldn't be announced for 2018 since we have Paxton coming. Two Class 08 diesels back to back? Yeah I don't think so. But Sidney is definitely gonna be announced in the future, there will be no suprise once he's announced.

Stanley: Now not a very popular character, Stanley has still made several cameos and background appearances in the series. Stanley would be an easy model to make and maybe wouldn't be top of the sales but would still be a good choice for Bachmann.

These are my thoughts for the HO range. I wanna hear what you guys think. Hopefully we all see eye to eye on these.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
September 22, 2017, 10:12:11 PM
Oh wow that is a good point. I think Mavis has the best chance out of all the other engines being released in Large Scale. But Rusty is right. The Large Scale range is dying and we should all appreciate it while it's still here. The cost to make these is expensive but totally worth it. I'm hoping we get Mavis. But now I can see Gordon and Henry just aren't possible. Well here's hoping we get something good for 2018.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
September 18, 2017, 12:46:35 AM
I know Arry and Bert are possible in Large scale because they use Diesel's tooling but Plow Bender is right. That would just be suicide for the large scale range. I would rather see Mavis be made in large scale just because she's easier to make despite being a new tooling. Everyone tries to say Gordon and Henry are way too big but Bachmann have made several 4-6-0 locomotives. Henry is a 4-6-0 and Gordon being a 4-6-2 would just add that extra wheel. It doesn't matter how long they are just how far their leading and trailing wheels turn. Also the middle wheel cannot be flanged on either model. This is just my opinion on the large scale range releasing Gordon or Henry. I know many don't think it's possible but I'm just trying to narrow it down.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
August 22, 2017, 11:49:45 PM
Chaz I agree with you. Let's talk about Peter Sam. I'd love to see him be made in Narrow gauge along with Sir Handle
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
August 21, 2017, 10:14:24 PM
Oh 100% I mean don't get me wrong it would be nice to own the original season 4 small scale models but the Bachmann models without a doubt will look great
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
August 21, 2017, 02:41:59 PM
Peter Sam and Sir Handle will be based on their CGI renders like Skarloey and Rheneas. I know most people want Duke but unless Duke returns to CGI he most likely won't be happening.
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2017 releases
August 21, 2017, 12:29:08 AM
Okay thank you
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas & Friends in 2018
August 20, 2017, 11:58:18 PM
I agree with Percy being discontinued in Large scale seeing as how we have a DCC sound Percy
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2017 releases
August 20, 2017, 11:57:26 PM
So anyways who's excited for Paxton and Rusty?
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2017 releases
August 20, 2017, 11:45:45 PM
My gosh you didn't have to go that far Plow Bender I was simply making a statement. By the way yeah that was kinda rude! If I wanna make a statement I'm going to make a statement. I don't care if the new threads annoy you. I didn't know other people were doing it and you attack me as if I'm the one causing the problem. You know there is something simple about threads that people make. You don't like it? Don't comment simple as that! You're not perfect and neither am I so don't attack me on something so rediculous!
Thomas & Friends / 2017 releases
August 19, 2017, 02:08:04 AM
Since James' redesign is coming out unannounced and the Spiteful Brakevan in Large Scale is just the old brakevan with a face does anyone know when they're coming out? Hope we can figure this out soon