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Messages - Stephen D. Richards

HO / Re: 2-10-0 Decapod removed from catalog?
November 05, 2011, 12:27:58 PM
florynow,  You've got my curiosity now!  I have two Decapods and they pull about 15 NMRA weighted 40-50 foot cars on level track.  I work the trucks and replace all wheel sets with good metal wheels and axles.  I haven't noticed any problems with the motor especially being underpowered.  Just checked the Bachmann parts section and noticed they do have a motor that "looks" to be less than any of the other steam locos listed.  My decapods do have a tractive effort problem though, I just considered it a part of learning to got the train moving.  What would you suggest would be a good repower motor for them?  If I can get it to pull more then by all means want to repower.  They do lose a lot of tractive effort on any grade that I have.   Stephen
HO / Re: outdated engineering?
November 01, 2011, 09:31:47 PM
All, I have several of the Spectrum and the "new" standard locos of the 2-8-0.  I have sound and non sound in the Spectrum.  If you set them side by side you are very hard pressed to tell the difference!  Plus for the cost of a sound decoder, simple installation later, you have a sound producing 2-8-0 Connie.    Just my two cents worth.   Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Lost in Translation?
June 28, 2011, 10:14:56 AM
Jim,     exactly!

Jeff,     the Sharks just use the excuse of "Professional Courtesy."  Frankly, lawyers taste too bad.      Stephen
HO / Re: DCC not on board!!!
May 19, 2011, 06:36:57 PM
You need to get back with your seller!  I just checked the Bachmann catalog and #62301 is DC only.  Check the on line product information to verify.  Stephen
HO / Re: DCC not on board!!!
May 19, 2011, 06:30:14 PM
Is your GP30 a Spectrum?  If it is it won't be DCC on board.  Those are not manufactured any more.  Very nice locos though.  One way to check for sure is to remove the shell/body.  If the chassis is a large heavy, dark frame then it is a Spectrum.  If the chassis is a light colored frame then it should be DCC on board.  The DC only version has a circuit board but it is different than the DCC ready or DCC on board.  Hope that helps some.  Stephen
To all, now I've gone and dun it!  I have an Athearn PA1 coming to me and I'll let you know what I think of this brand new track tester!  At least for me it is.   Stephen
Geeez fellows!  Now I hav to go buy a PA so I can have a "fine tuning track tool".  Oh wait, I can never buy just one!  lol  On the other hand...great ideas and outstanding advice.  Always need a good reason (excuse) to buy more locos!  I will try this technique.  thanks,  Stephen
HO / Re: Sharing a project
February 20, 2011, 08:27:02 AM
J3a-614            Amen!        Stephen
HO / Re: Sharing a project
February 20, 2011, 08:24:09 AM
jonathon,  great job!  Don't let them kid you, railroads need rolling stock too!  lol  As a relative newcomer to model railroading. I have been learning the how tos of building, kitbuilding and kitbashing, these last couple of years.  I just started in 2006 so I'm still "growing up".  Still learning.  Never stop, you're doing a great job.  Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Engine squeal
January 21, 2011, 01:35:12 PM
Wahl clipper oil is a good compatible oil that is also a conductive oil.  Works very well on those old pancake motors!  Stephen
The DD40Ax has been called by many variations in the past and present.  Chech the EMD or wikipedia websites for the correct designator and history.  Bachmann has actually made three different variations that I know of to date!  The first one is the pancake single motor version.  Almost to lite for use!  All plastic body and no weight.  The second version was a Spectrum as well and was the most correct version of anyone at the time.  I had two motors and was very heavy a good puller!  I currently have five of them.  The last version is also a two motor  and looks very good plus the added benefit of DCC on Board already.  I'm getting one soon.  The second version is a real good puller!  They are very difficult to find these days.  Don't be afraid to try the new one Bachmann has.  The older Spectrums are very expensive now.  Hope that helps some.  Stephen
If that doesn't work, try a step down transformer.  I lived in Japan for four years and that was what I had to do with all my US electrical products except the wall transformers for computers etc.  They could handle the current.  Hope that helps.  Stephen
HO / Re: Bachmann Digital Commander and Kadee
January 08, 2011, 01:21:46 PM
   #148 Kadee's are a perfect replacement for EZ Mates.  However, on a 15 to twenty car train, I think maybe Oldtimer is correct!  It may be that your locos/rolling stock are "bending" on the change in grade and uncoupling themselves.  If that is the case use a good coupler height gauge on your locos and rolling stock and then watch the rail very carefully where the locos uncouple.  you may have to lengthen and change the grade a bit to keep them coupled.  Hope that helps,    Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Open house in Tidewater Virginia
November 06, 2010, 08:25:24 AM
Gene, long time no hear!  Where is this layout at in Grafton?  Stephen
HO / Re: 2-6-2 Prairie wobble
October 12, 2010, 09:27:22 AM
SouthernCrescent,  I'm suprised the 2-6-2 you have has that wobble.  However, as stated that is a low end steam loco.  I have one and it runs fine.  Bachmann will most certainly fix the problem for you.  If you paid "nearly $100" for it you may have paid too much for it.  Check the internet, especially The FavoriteSpot.  Great place to deal with.  Don't be afraid of Bachmann!  Their quality has risen 1000 percent in the last 10 years.  Maybe a stretch... but I do have some Bachmann locos from the seventies and eighties!  I usually take them apart for the parts and what detail I can get.  Stephen