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Messages - Dusten Barefoot

Yes I remember  ;D. I'm not going to trade my engine due to the fact it has a crappy paint job, and the decoader is defunk't. I'm also not trying to burn up any money on a new engine, which I think I should do anyway, to increase the stock; but any who, I'm just trying to find windows so I can replace the one's I've broken, and damaged :)

Rock On!
Thank you Mr. Bach-mann!

Rock On!
I need replacement cab windows for my ten wheeler. I kinda screwed up mine trying to hand paint my locomotive. Does anyone know where I can find replacements? I tried ebay, and I don't think parts and services sales them either.

Rock On!
On30 / Re: Help finding snowy/winter ballest.
April 20, 2011, 03:46:34 PM
Is this what you're talking about?

It looks interesting, and I may give it a go.

Rock On!
On30 / Help finding snowy/winter ballest.
April 19, 2011, 10:06:17 PM
Does anyone know of a good ballast, or product that is great for making a snow like ballast? I'm told baking soda is not the best thing to use. MY layout is part winder/fall, and will have some snowy areas.

Also what color would best be used in an Autumn type scene. My layout is based in the sand hills/swamps of NC.

Rock On!
On30 / Painting Window Trim. I need a little help.
March 06, 2011, 01:54:07 PM
Can ya'll tell me your methods for painting window trim on locomotive cabs? I don't know why I ordered an all black locomotive, but I did. I tried paiting the window trim a nice red, but in the end I got paint on the windows, and it looks as if a murder happend in the cab. I found out wood, is the best bet for getting the paint off without scratching the windows. I hand painted it them. As of now I have no air paint gun to paint anything with, and I really do need to invest in one.

By the way; does bachamnn's parts & services have windows? I broke one in half :P ???

Rock On!
I love that little snow plow on your engine. I am modeling a winter layout, and in the city has had a large snow fall, and I would like to fit a small plow on either a 4-4-0, or a 4-6-0, both seem awesome of course :) where did you get your little plow? Is it scrach built?

Rock On!
If you want to stay warm from the snow and cold, take the cab of a 2-6-0 and pop that sucker on the 0-4-0, and bam, all weather cab. just super glue it down though, it's not a tight fit. Would love to show you a pic of mine, but no camera again. :-\

Rock On!
On30 / Re: On30 OF 2-8-0 Cab on the 2-6-0
January 14, 2011, 10:20:03 PM
Thanks Royce, I will keep that in mind.  :D

Rock On!
On30 / Re: On30 OF 2-8-0 Cab on the 2-6-0
January 14, 2011, 08:57:27 PM
Thanks Royce!

I'm rather afraid to pick up an air brush because I don't think I would be able to paint like the pros do; I might get paint on all the other areas. I would like to get one though for weathering purposes.

I don't know if it was ever gotton across, from a  previous thread when I blew up; I did say I was sorry, and you did not offend me. I just felt as if my opinion was being attacked as usual. I don't hardly blow up like that, but with all that has happend recently, with my father passing thanksgiving, and my grandfather passing Jan the 2nd, it just overwhelmed me. I also got a rather annoying PM, who accused me of that being an excuse. I'm glad I held my temper on that one, or it would have a rather nasty retort back at him. For he knows nothing about what i am going through.

That set aside; I really appreciate the complements.

Rock On!
On30 / Re: On30 OF 2-8-0 Cab on the 2-6-0
January 14, 2011, 02:24:44 AM
Sadly I wish I could pain that well  :P. The red doors, and windows are strait from the factory. I bought the 2-8-0, it just came with it. I did paint the engine with a paint brush and walmart paint, which to my surprise came out great.

But if I were to paint the doors and window striping, I would use a fine, very fine brush, with just a pen head size drop of thick paint, and go around the perimeter of the window, so I don't get paint on the glass; make sure you have a light hand when doing it, if you press down too hard, you will most likely get paint everywhere on the window. The same goes for the doors. If paint does get onto some areas you don't want; take a paper towel, or some other tool you prefer, and wipe away the excess from the area before it drys and stains.

Hope this helps
Rock On!
On30 / Re: More Mogul Moments...
January 13, 2011, 10:49:54 PM
I replaced the cab with the OF 2-8-0's cab. It looks great!, but I'm not sure if that is the look you are going for, but here's my engine to show you how it looks.

Ok here is a link to the pictures.,14281.0.html

Rock On!
I'm the one who must be sorry. I am having the roughest time in my life at the moments, and it seems i have taken it out on ya'll. My Daddy passed away at the age of 44 before thanksgiving last year, and I just buried my grandfather yesterday. :'(

The reason I blew up like I did, was because I thought i was being told that my opinion was wrong, and I should not think that way. Like a liberal telling me I'm wrong, over an opinion.

Again, I do apologize

Oh my God, i just stated an opinon. Jeez. Yes I think others think that the tweetsie engines are ugly. people have their own opinon, and should not be givin a hard time over it. accept it, and move on.

No offense, but the aussys, have the ungliest trains on earth.

That is my opinoin.

Rock On!