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Messages - NWsteam

HO / Re: Brass Question- NWSL
January 18, 2011, 12:45:21 PM
How do you go about painting? Take it apart...then what?
HO / Re: Brass Question- NWSL
January 18, 2011, 12:43:29 PM
Jonathan- I don't plan to buy online. I've found something at the LHS. One of my other options is online (Caboose hobbies). I agree with you about eBay!

As to expense I agree with except I will stick to one roadname. I'm made it a rule that if I'm going to spent big bucks it has to be N&W. It helps me cut down on buying whatever looks nice(Alot stuff).

Perhaps if one spends more money out of the gate, you will spent less in repair/detail parts later? I bet that's not always true but in this case I think it will be. The model seems to be in good condition. I will have to wait till I can see it run at the LHS.

HO / Re: Brass Question- NWSL
January 17, 2011, 11:22:35 PM
The reason I ask about Tenshodo is because I'm looking at any small N&W steam locomotive. They produced an S1 0-8-0 that seems to be for sale several places online. Still a little wary of buying brass online. I've have also looked at NWSL E2a 4-6-2. Any of course I'm always on the hunt for an M 4-8-0. ;) Just trying to weigh the pros/cons and of course, price will play a big factor.
HO / Re: Brass Question- NWSL
January 17, 2011, 11:18:49 PM
I was asking about the past locomotive offerings but good to know I can still get in touch with someone about re gearing/re-motoring. I also have a shay that seems its gears have just started slipping. Good to know since it seems they are out of stock at Bachmann. Thanks Rich.

GN.2-6-8-0 - Your comment about Tenshodo is very interesting. I have read many places that Tenshodo brass always had a distinctive growl when run that earned several nicknames none of which I will repeat here. Are they good runners in your opinion? I've never owned or operated brass so I'm just trying to feel my way into the market. Thanks for your reply.

HO / Brass Question- NWSL
January 17, 2011, 03:24:11 PM
Where does Northwest Short line Brass fall in the lineup of brass manufactures? Good running products or stay away? Jonathan's project might have convinced me to try my own Brass project...

General Discussion / Too much what?
December 30, 2010, 01:02:37 PM
It seems in my first attempt at lubrication, I over did it on my HO Y6b. I lubricated about a month ago and this week it started slipping on my grade with only 6 freight cars (All metal wheels and weighted). Come to find out that the loco has started to release a bit of its spare oil. Do I let it sit so all the extra comes out? Do I run it to try and work it off? Your thoughts are appreciated.

HO / Re: My Last Locomotive Project
December 13, 2010, 09:25:33 PM

I followed your last two projects with great interest. You do fantastic work! Sitting on the edge of my seat to see what this will look like when done.

General Discussion / Re: Unstoppable was unstoppable!
November 22, 2010, 03:44:08 PM
Obvious\y you missed that I saw the film ad. The movie is just more of the same. I rarely see this type of movie anymore. I do have a life.

1. No I didn't miss it...Do movie critics rate a movie on a preview? Nope.
2. Repercussions of your post are that you just inadvertently told everyone who saw this movie that they don't have a kind of you.
HO / Re: PRR K4 and E6
November 22, 2010, 03:38:05 PM
If you have the money...

I don't.

General Discussion / Re: Unstoppable was unstoppable!
November 12, 2010, 08:08:32 PM
WELL what a fantastic review....oh wait you didn't see any the film...

Your choice not to see it is your own. But bad mouthing a movie you haven't seen is very ignorant.

Not to spoil if it for anyone but the carnage and death is very much like the real story it is based off of. The story isn't about things blowing up and hundreds dying.
General Discussion / Unstoppable was unstoppable!
November 12, 2010, 07:04:56 PM
Fantastic film! I enjoyed it and recommend it to any train enthusiast.
HO / Re: EZ DCC Command limitations?
November 06, 2010, 06:42:33 PM
It only has 10 functions and it can't do programming! You will find this to be a major hindrance as you get deeper into the world of DCC. I thought it would be great for my first, small 6x8 layout. It is nice, but as I bought locomotives with more capabilities I realized how lacking EZ Command is. My new Paragon2 Y6b has 28 functions and I can only access the first 10...Very frustrating. Also I can't do CV programming. (i.e. - Change the volume of sound, change breaking speed, etc.) Many people will argue this is too advanced for beginning in DCC. That may/may not be true but you don't always stay a beginner. If you plan to stay in the hobby spend the money up front...that way you aren't disappointed down the road.

HO / Re: Looks like I might be leaving the hobby......
October 21, 2010, 04:45:36 PM
I'm in college; I can't afford much as it is. This is where you turn back to operations. I have also recently gotten into scratch building buildings. Save up for purchases and make sure you bargain shop! If you look around really hard there are steals out there! Also, limit your buying. I model the Norfolk & Western so that is all I buy. Also I model the early 50's so that cuts down on the range of equipment I buy. Focusing your interest will curb your spending habits. Also now is a great time to plan for the future. I can't even tell you how many layout ideas I have drawn up in last year.

As to price, we are in an economic slump. We are feeling the crunch as well as manufactures.

It's really just research. The only cars I could really tell you about is the Norfolk & Western. That's the road I model so its the one I have researched. I can tell you that the N&W hopper that came with your set is not steam era just by looking at the style logo used.
HO / Interesting Idea
July 14, 2010, 10:47:26 PM
I didn't know if I should post this in General Discussion or Ho but here we go...

Anybody know of a company that does high quality locomotive scratch builds/kitbashing? I feel like with all the "I want one of these" there would be a good market if the company did a good enough job. Thoughts?

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer,