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Messages - grumpy

HO / Re: How to make a lake
March 03, 2009, 12:14:22 AM
For the water I use Dura Clear Varnish gloss Interior/Exterior. About three thick coats will give you a very good reflective lake surface. It is about 1/3 of the Woodlands stuff.
Be careful with your conversions using KD . On some occasions the the little hook from the bottom (air hose) will protrude low enough to catch on the frog when going through turnouts.mJust cut a little off.
General Discussion / Re: Doing a Train Show
March 02, 2009, 11:31:25 PM
I believe that some of the boys from Edmonton took part of their layout to your show . I couldn't get a hold of any of them , they were all at your show. They say that they really enjoy your show. It is too bad that some of the mfg we support culdn't make an appearance at a Canadian show.
General Discussion / Re: CA Adhesives
March 01, 2009, 11:41:27 PM
Jim . that is my error , I did mean to say ( shorten the set time ). My wife has a severe chronic asthma condition and in the quantities I use Gorilla Glue does not affect her. The application should be in small drops . On my bench I have most glues , TitE Bond Testors liquid and tube plastic and model cement waterproof exterior carpenters glue . Each of these have a specialized application wheras Gorilla Glue will bond anything to anything and in small quantities does  not irritate my wifes asthmatic condition. All solvent based glues or cements and ca have a warning label to use in well ventilated areas. Thank you for allowing me my 2 cents.
General Discussion / Re: CA Adhesives
February 28, 2009, 10:09:06 PM
Try Gorilla Glue , it will glue anything to anything with a strong joint, no fumes and a little goes a long way. I find that hot glue does not give a strong bond. If you want a strong bond with epoxy use the longer set times and even warm it up a bit to thin it out for a longer set time and a stronger bond. You can thin out epoxy enough to paint it into joints. This is from years in industrial plastics.
HO / Re: GS4 4-8-4 Loco stalls exiting curve
February 28, 2009, 12:32:56 AM
I would check the leading and trailing trucks to make sure they are tracking properly.

HO / Re: modifying ez track
February 28, 2009, 12:27:23 AM
So what  was your question?
HO / Re: 2-10-0 Russian Decapod
February 28, 2009, 12:23:54 AM
What humurous replys?
General Discussion / Re: CA Adhesives
February 27, 2009, 11:33:04 PM
For a quick setup and good strength try Gorilla glue .A small bottle goes a long way.
HO / Re: #6 crossover mods
February 27, 2009, 01:35:40 AM
The biggest problem I have found with the crossovers is that some have a slight twist in them . The solution is to fasten them firmly to the base.. Use a straight edge to determine the twist.
General Discussion / Re: DCC Loco Break In
February 27, 2009, 01:03:53 AM
I would like to add my 2 cents . This is not to disagree with either you or Bob who are both much more knowledgeable about the electronics than I am. I always test my locos when I first get them on DC . The purpose is to elimiinate as many outside factors as possible such as the command station should any problems occur. If I do find a problem then I know it is within the loco . In most cases the problem is covered by warranty and the easiest way to void a warranty is to disassemble and reassemble a product and then send it in for warranty. As Bachman prefer is to send it to the place of purchase and have them send it back to the factory. The mfg would be perfectly within his right to refuse warranty if he sees that the item has been tampered with.
If no problems occur while running the loco on DC I will then run it on my layout with my DCC system . If a problem the occurs I will test the loco on another system to eliminate another factor .If it runs fine then the problem is in my system . If it doesn't run properly then the problem is in the loco and it goes back to the place I purchased it from and have them look after the warranty.
No where in this procedure have I take a screwdriver or soldering iron to the loco. I have let the mfg take of the problem since it is his.
I have set up a special test track for my testing.
I will add a couple of sayings ( if you don't know what you are doing don't do it ) , If it ain't broke don't break it ) . I am not referring to you. Thanks for listening.
Don :)
HO / Re: what are some of your railroad industries?
February 25, 2009, 11:29:23 PM
I am using EZcommand and have experienced no problems. In all honesty I am not a fan of Dynamics because of the fact it is a laser system which is line of sight. .
HO / Re: what are some of your railroad industries?
February 25, 2009, 12:54:06 AM
Mr. Bachman
We are all kids just different ages.
I have on my layout
1. one operating mine and one abandoned
2. a gravel pit
3. a small prairie town with feed mill , grain elevator ,oil depot ., service station, train depot
2 hotels and a lumber yard. Also a number of residences bldgs and a small farm.
4. A small railyard
5. A number of miscellaneous heavy industries.
6. An unloading dock.
7. a single loco repair building
I am using 3 basic railnes , one to service the town ( still dc ) , one to sevice the mining area and a mainline .
Alot of fill ins yet to do along with some landscaping . It is all EZtrack with the excepton of the structures . None of it has been done to satisfy an rivet counter ans is all based on how I see things.
HO / Re: DCC OnBoard 0-6-0's?
February 25, 2009, 12:30:51 AM
 Bob                       I f you are diabetic you don.t have long to live especially if you wash it down with a can of regular coke.
Don :o
General Discussion / Re: Track cleaning cars
February 25, 2009, 12:19:54 AM
That is what I use to clean my track . I use a thick pad and soak it with alcohol or contact cleaner from Radio Shack. I don't fill the tank. For the size of my layout and configuration it works just fine.
Don 8)